nick wright planning
Community engagement
All news and projects relating to community engagement
social reporting
With ever more sources of information swilling around - printed journals, e-bulletins, blogs - it's all too easy to get swamped trying to keep abreast of what's happening in your own field, let alo...
outsourcing community consultation
Richard Wilson and Alice Casey of the participation thinktank Involve have hit the nail on the head in their article in The Guardian about government outsourcing of consultation and community eng...
jobs, houses and the Kirkcaldy & Mid-Fife Local Plan
I've just finished a small job for Fife Council Development Services as part of a team with TPS Planning, summarising and analysing the consultation responses to the initial 'Issues and Options' ...
broadening planning's appeal
It's good to see that community engagement in planning is making the national press - Scotland's Sunday Herald is now getting in on the act too, with an article about the fashionably named Sustai...
Barcelona | selling urban regeneration
Community engagement is about a whole range of ways of communicating. On the one side, local communities are hugely diverse - in any one area affected by a development proposal or a new strategy,...