nick wright planning
Community engagement
All news and projects relating to community engagement
Lessons in community empowerment: Crianlarich
[Image] It's not often that we planners get to see a plan being delivered on the ground - not, I hope, because they are undeliverable, but because it can take years for proposals to come to fruitio...
How can planning contribute to wellness?
BEFS (Built Environment Forum Scotland) this week organised an evening seminar asking: How can the planning system contribute to wellbeing in a fairer Scotland? Alongside Alex Neil MSP, Cabinet ...
urban 'hygge': lessons for Scotland?
I'm just back from a trip to Copenhagen. It's famous as a city of cyclists: 52% of Copenhagers cycle to work or education every day, there are over 350km of cycle tracks, and cycling is growing f...
Strategic Development Planning | making it interesting
Strategic planning has been one of Scottish planning’s success stories – from the wealth of good work done by Strathclyde Regional Council’s structure plan team in the 1980s & 90s to TAYplan Strate...
new urban voices
Finding money for improving our towns and cities is getting harder and harder – whether you’re a business, a local authority or particularly a social enterprise. In the past you might have asked a ...
young people in planning | TAYplan leading the way
TAYplan, one of Scotland’s four Strategic Development Planning authorities, have been doing some interesting work in recent years. Their latest Strategic Development Plan for Dundee, Perth, Angus a...