nick wright planning
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urban 'hygge': lessons for Scotland?
15 Nov 2014
I'm just back from a trip to Copenhagen. It's famous as a city of cyclists: 52% of Copenhagers cycle to work or education every day, there are over 350km of cycle tracks, and cycling is growing faster year-on-year than any other mode of transport in the city. Although there are...
Read More...where will all the turbines go?
28 Sep 2014
This year's annual Scottish Planning and Environmental Law conference included an enlightening session on the new policy framework created by Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) for onshore wind turbines. SPP spatial frameworkThe SPP introduced a new three tier spatial framework for onshore wind farms (paragraph 161): • Group 1: areas where wind farms will not be...
Read More...planning and entrepreneurship
17 Sep 2014
Recently I was at an interesting meeting with Iain Scott of Can Do Towns and Scotpreneur, civil servants from the Scottish Government’s regeneration & planning divisions and RTPI Scotland. The subject of the discussion was how can planners and planning encourage entrepreneurial activity. The contexts were, firstly, the undersung importance of small private...
Read More...Strategic Development Planning | making it interesting
24 Jun 2014
Strategic planning has been one of Scottish planning’s success stories – from the wealth of good work done by Strathclyde Regional Council’s structure plan team in the 1980s & 90s to TAYplan Strategic Development Plan team winning the RTPI Silver Jubilee Cup in 2012. Scottish strategic planning was radically reworked in 2006. Strategic Development...
Read urban voices
08 Apr 2014
Finding money for improving our towns and cities is getting harder and harder – whether you’re a business, a local authority or particularly a social enterprise. In the past you might have asked a bank or a grant-funder for some money. Now you need to be more nimble. Lots of...
Read approaches to rural planning
11 Mar 2014
[Image] In April 2012, I wrote a blog post arguing that UK planning policy for the countryside has generally emphasised landscape and biodiversity conservation over and above economic and social objectives. I suggested that, tacitly, national and local planning policy has conserved that rather British idea of well tended countryside...